Tuesday, July 21, 2009

They Can Have Their Cakes

Do people deliberately try to smell like urinal cakes, those porous-looking ostensible deodorizers found in men's bathrooms? I don't know if they're men or women, but if you ride public transportation enough, you're bound to encounter the aroma.
Women presumably wouldn't know what urinal cakes smell like, so they could catch a whiff of a similar fragrance, decide it's appealing and use it, even though it makes me inclined to piss. I don't know what would make men smell that way. Perhaps there's a black market for urinal cakes and people are concealing them in their pockets. If there is such a black market, I wonder if the hot-pink ones fetch a premium. I suppose there would be a pro rata system, since many of these urinal cakes would be used and partially eroded.
If people are deliberately making themselves smell this way, perhaps they should just do away with any pretense and wear them like medallions around their necks. It could start a trend and fortify urinal-cake makers.

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