Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Right-Hand Lane

Just a few thoughts about driving:
I know the cops don't give a shit, but slow the fuck down in residential areas.
I don't want to hear your fucking music.
Use your blinker, you douche bag, so that I don't have to read your mind and try to glean what you're doing.
Get off the phone, goddamnit. How many times do I have to say it? If i had your number, I'd call you to tell you to put the fucking phone down.
Go when the fucking light turns green,
I'm impressed, you have a Porsche. I'd be more impressed if you went when the light turned green...and got off the phone.
I'm stupefied when other drivers do something completely contrary to the rules of the road and then behave indignantly because I have the temerity to take issue with it.
If you're old, it's bad enough that you drive, but do you have to do it when you most get in the way of people who work and have limited opportunities to get shit done?
When you want to go five miles an hour under the speed limit, please get out of the left lane. That's the hammer-down lane. You copy? 10-4?
If you're going straight after the light turns green and you can do so from the left lane (there's nobody there waiting to turn left who would hold you up), why would you get in the right-hand lane and prevent me from going right on red? Because you're an inconsiderate jackass.

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