Friday, June 27, 2014


So, I was at my son's soccer game recently, and I brought up guns. And every guy within earshot, from approximately 30 to 85 years of age, chimed in. I don't know shit about guns, but my father-in-law has given me a few. So these guns are about 60 years old. And I figured since I accepted them, I should know something about them. I've never fired either, but maybe I should know how to clean and maintain them. And make sure my kids never get their hands on them. One of these guns has some nice engraving, which some gun enthusiasts to whom I showed them to went crazy about. Ok, old guns, nice engravings, surely some collector would try to rip me off with respect to them. So, relative to home protection, well, I have a German shepherd who goes ballistic at the slightest provocation. Isn't that enough? So far, yes. And I keep the ammunition way separated from the firearms, lest a child find one or the other. But, guns, let's let everyone within earshot gather around.